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Sunday, June 30

Theng's 21st Advance Birthday Celebration

Super duper belated update over here. Have been so busy and tiring lately, semester break doesn't seem like a total break at all. Work, overtime, rest - the daily routine; I don't even have time to hang out often. Such a bad decision to have internship huh? Sigh....

Anyway, here's the update about my babe, Theng's 21st birthday celebration!
Will let the photos speak then.

Dinner at the Heaven Gate, very nice environment, but food not recommended.

The cream soup isn't that bad.

Cabonara. Weird taste, maybe it's because of those vege?

Vain in the car while waiting others to arrive.

Jying. Shannie.

Jying. Wei.

with the double Wei over here! =w=

The birthday girl. XOXO

Happy 529 once again my dear! Love you 

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