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Wednesday, April 17

What if i could turn the time back?

During the Professional Development class a few weeks ago, my tutor gave us a task, to give a speech with the topics given, but the topic is chosen by draw lots, which means we couldn't choose the topic we like.
So, here's the topics;
  • If I have 25 hours a day, I would...
  • If I have only 30 days to live, I would...
  • If I could turn the time back, I would...
  • If I have a car that can fly, I would...
I'm the lucky number 2, and the 25-hour-per-day topic is drawn! Yea. How "lucky" I was. It's really a difficult topic to me as I didn't prepare for it and all of my understanding is that, there's not much things to do for the extra hour. I never thought of the aggregate hours for each year, that's why I'm totally stuck and out of ideas.

I bet most of you would choose the 2nd or 3rd topic right? So do I. 

If I have only 30 days to live, I would:
  • travel to my favourite countries: France (Paris, Provence), Venice, New Zealand, Italy (Rome) and so on.
  • try out those exciting games I've never dare to play: Bungy jumping
  • spend more of my remaining precious time with family and friends
  • visit to a few places where I stayed when I was still a baby
  • spend every single day going out and blog about it, leaving my best memories
All of these sound so familiar to everyone, yes, I'm not an extraordinary person, so they are the common answers that most of the people will say.

Alright, back to the point. If you could turn the time back to fix things that make you regret, it sounds so great right? I already feel excited imagine about it.

Found a photo of me with the designer clock to suit with the theme, added some effects trying to make it look magical, which is very FAIL actually.

What to do if I could turn back time?

The first thing I'll do is do well in my PMR exam. My result is going up and down all the while, it was totally a downturn in Form 3. Although scoring 6As is already out of my expectation, I still feel so regretful for not being very hardworking on the revision, especially you have a pretty result of scoring straight As for UPSR and SPM, but except PMR. Some might said that nobody will care about PMR, but it's always one of my biggest regret of not being able to have a perfect record.

For the second thing, I wish I never had stop learning my chinese orchestra, the so called "gu-zheng". I'd learnt it for 5 years during my primary school, there was once I was being forced to give it up due to the drop of my result, and I tried hard to get back up cause I really love this orchestra a lot. I used to love Saturday a lot cause it's the day that I could practice it. Unfortunately, during secondary school, I was forced to give up playing "gu-zheng" again, and this is going to be like forever. My lousy school has the instruments and they are not available yet they don't want to repair it. I tried to learn other instrument, "pi-pa", which is one of my favourites too, but I found that I still prefer "gu-zheng". 
If I could turn time back, I really wish I don't have to give it up. In my entire life, "gu-zheng" seems to be the only thing proving that I still have my own hobby, my own interest.
I wish I had joined the training course outside, I wish I had never leave a regret like this.

Running is one of my favourite too. You know what, I used to race with the male classmates after class (primary school). I always enjoy the satisfaction of racing and winning or get beyond the others. I used to participated in the 100m and 4x100m sections on the school Sport Day. I may not be the best, but still considered okay I guess? At least I won the 1st runner up too! During my high school life, I no longer participate in the Sport Day, there was once the teacher asked me to participate the 800m section, but I rejected it saying I don't have the stamina, which is the truth. I still race, in the necessary time (annually), like scoring for my sport's house team, which contributes marks for Sport Day.
If I could turn the time back, I wish I still have the chance to race again. I will ask if the teacher could switch me to the 100m or 4x100m. Even if the answer is a no, at least I tried right? I would probably be a lot better than what I'm doing right now - blogging how regretful I am. I'm a big girl now, no more primary school or high school life, no more racing opportunity. Regret! Regret! Regret!!!

If I could turn back time to reconsider and make a choice again, I would never choose Accounting. Accounting is never my type, it's never in my interest list, instead I'm actually hating it. It's true that choosing something you don't like is much more suffering, now that I understand, but it's already too late. Never choose something people told you. Instead, you should choose something you like, it may not be the best you can do or something you're good in, but if it's something you interested, you'll always be passionate on it and will never be beaten down.
Actually I had thought of choosing Interior Design, but I thought it was just a temporary interest of mine as that time, renovation is going on my new house, and I feel like I've no talent in designing and no creativity. But now I found that I'm not, I'm still interested in it, I always give extra attention whenever I saw those interior stuffs and envy those who actually take the course. And designing can be trained as well.
How am I going to get through the time facing accounting, taxation and audit stuffs in the rest of my life?

I would not come over to KL for my AFA if I could turn time back. It's one of my biggest silly decisions I've made. I always wanted to learn to be independent, yes, I learnt some over here, yet I'm still regretting. The only good thing I found in KL is I get to shop a lot, and more often. For the rest, I could not find anything good. I couldn't get use to the teaching method, the study, the food, the hectic life and everything over here. Should have directly go for ACCA papers in Penang!!!

If I could turn back time, I would definitely maintain who and how I act like in primary school. I know it sounds very unbelievable, but I'm a lot different when I'm in primary school. At least I can mix around with everyone naturally, can play and fool around. Unlike the current characteristics I have now, the consequences of being over-protected. But still I'm trying hard to improve and overcome, like how I I did in primary school, overcome my shyness and fear standing at the stage, facing the crowd during the singing and story telling competitions.

Actually there are still some other things that I did it wrong, and I wish the time could be turn back and allow me to fix the things back to the correct path. But I'm not gonna write about it anymore, cause this blogpost already look like an essay. LOL

Here's a video which could be understood by those 80s or 90s like me. Miss those time a lot!!!

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