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Saturday, February 11


Had a date with cousins last night for 柯震東檳城簽唱會, not really believe that I actually been there, cause I don't really like to be in the crowd.

Big big eye bags and dark circle! ='(

With cousin, Vanessa.

See the crowd? 'People mountain people sea' right? Haha.

We arrived around 7.40pm and that's the right timing cause 柯震東 (Kai Ko) came out for rehearsal.

He went back inside after rehearsal, and we were waiting there though already hungry to the max.
After waiting for like an hour plus, around 9.10pm, the MC, Jym (My Fm's DJ) finally came out.

Then here comes the star, after the crowd cheering and cheering.
Really feel like saying, “柯震東,你真的好难等!
But it's worth waiting for him, the handsome guy! ♥.

    Picking contestants.

    The winners and contestants got his hug! ENVY die.

    Printscreen-ed it from 柯震東's fanpage.

    Printsceen-ed too!

    My legs were about to break down cause I was standing on tiptoe all the while to see 柯震東, and gotta lean on the front row's back to get a closer and clearer look on him too! Especially behind my cousins and I, there was a fatty with big reactions, shaking all the while and seem like excited to the max when he saw 柯震東. And we gotta try to avoid his big movements so that he wouldn't hit us. That's tiring and exhausted! But everything is worthy when you saw him! ♥.
    Oh. By the way, I grabbed some photos from my friends' albums, as you can see, they are
     being captured from different directions.

    漂流瓶 by 柯震東 feat. 陳妍希


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