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Sunday, February 12

Wedding Dinner #PART 1

Hello everyone! I'm currently blogging at E & O Hotel's Grand Ballroom while waiting for the wedding dinner to start. It was my first time having wedding dinner at such a grand place, feel so
exited! Lol. Actually mummy and daddy have to attend two different dinners tonight, that's why I have a chance to be here!

Valentine's Day is coming really soon, it's just 2 days away, how you guys planning to celebrate? For me, I think I'll just past it alone or either in college with friends as usual? Haha, whatever la, not really special to me.

And a great star, Whitney Houston just passed away yesterday. She's really a good singer and I like her voice a lot. May she rest in peace.

I Will Always Love You.
This is one of her greatest hits, one of my all time favourite as well.

Alright, till here then. Gotta start busy with coursework from this week onwards, so I'll share the wedding dinner's photos when I'm free, another weekends perhaps?

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