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Thursday, September 22

49 Days

Annyeong! It's about korean drama again! Alright, I knew this is the third korean drama in this month, but I swear, this is the last drama I watched during my semester break. I was thinking to make this post more mysterious, like not saying out the important parts which will surprise or shock you; but after considering, I decided to write it in a more detail way cause I don't want myself wondering what I was writing on a later day. This will be a very long post with tons of photos. So be patient and read till the end yar.

49 Days.
I would consider it as an awesome drama, yet it's very sad. And it would be one of my all time favourite from now on. A drama which be my all time favourite is which would touch my feeling, make me cry or touch from the inside of my heart, and it must be out of my expectation.
This drama fits well for the circumstances as above. I saw a few persons wrote about the ending when I was watching it half-way, though I knew what's going to happen, and how sad the ending will be, I still felt surprised cause it happened in the way which I never expect.
If you're looking forward to see sweet and lovely couple in this drama, I'm sorry that it would disappoint you, there's no sweet couple, or even though there is, they didn't end up being together.

Below are the casts of the drama (I will name them according to the character's name in the drama):

Jo Hyun Hae as Han Kang. 
He's a classmate to Shin Ji-Hyun. He likes her since they were teenage but he never confess to her. He always bullies Shin Ji-Hyun and that makes her feel like he hates her like a lot. 

Nam Gyu Ri as Shin Ji-Hyun (49 days traveler). 
She's a pretty girl with angelic face and gorgeous body. She's like a doll-like aura.
Soft and innocent hear, beautiful voice and bright personality, she has these all. And also she's from a rich family. She's just like a perfect person which everyone would envy and jealous of, but at the same time, being dislike by some of her friends because they felt that her kindness and innocent are what she acted to be, and they felt that was annoying. She thought she will get married and living happily ever after, but she met and accident a week before her wedding, from there everything started to change and she learnt the cruel part of the world.

Lee Yo Won as Song Yi-Kyung.
She lives oppositely to Shin Ji-Hyun. Since the day her boyfriend dead in an accident, she moved into a secluded area and isolated herself from society and in essence, reality. She took on a night job at a convenience store and didn’t associate with anyone. She always wore a sad expression on her face, and she lived like this for five years. She never moved on from the past. Her daily meal consisted of ramen and she never cared about how she dressed or look towards others. She lived life just for the sake of doing so, and she tried to commit suicide a few times. She's the one who indirectly cause the accident of Shin Ji-Hyun.

Jung II Woo as The Scheduler / Song Yi Soo.
He volunteer-ed to be a scheduler five years ago so that when his mission is completed, he would have a wish comes true. He is in charge of sending souls to their final destination through a elevator after their death.

Seo Ji Hye as Shin In-Jung.
Best friend to Shin Ji-Hyun. But secretly she's planning something bad with Shin Ji-Hyun's fiance, Kang Min-Ho.

Bae Soo Bin as Kang Min-Ho.
Finace of Shin Ji-Hyun. He's actually coupled with Shin In-Jung but he get close to Shin Ji-Hyun because of the plan he made with Shin In-Jung.

Relationship between the cast:

Shin Ji-Hyun and Song Yi-Kyung.
When Shin Ji-Hyun met an accident, her soul was separated from her body, and she needs to accomplish a task within 49 days in order to get back to her body, which is she needs to collect 3 genuine tears (excluded the tears of her family members). During that period, Shin Ji-Hyun is allowed to use Song Yi-Kyung's body as long as not affecting her life (because Song Yi-Kyung is the one who indirectly cause the accident of Shin Ji-Hyun).

The Scheduler and Shin Ji-Hyun.
The Scheduler is the one who in charge of Shin Ji-Hyun (the 49 days traveler) and he consider her as a trouble maker.
Well, they weren't couple in this drama, somehow they made me feel like they are. Every time when they are together, I feel like there's some sort of electricity sparkling between them. And no matter how he complains she's such a trouble-maker, teasing, scaring, rejecting or scolding her, he ends up appear to help her.

Han Kang and Song Yi-Kyung.
Uhmm. Well, it's actually not Song Yi-Kyung, I should clarify that it's Han Kang with Shin Ji-Hyun (uses Song Yi-Kyung's body to work at his cafe). Han Kang is the first one who realized that she is Shin Ji-Hyun but not the real Song Yi-Kyung.

Shin In-Jung and Kang Min-Ho.
They are couples and they're planning something against Shin Ji-Hyun. Shin In-Jung helps him to get close to her best friend, Shin Ji-Hyun to make the plan succeed.

Shin Ji-Hyun uses Song Yi-Kyung's body when she is sleeping.

At first when Shin Ji-Hyun knew that she needs to collect 3 genuine tears in order get her soul back to her body, she thought that she would easily make it in a day as she believes that she has two best friends and a fiance who love her very much. Shin Ji-Hyun then realizes how sadness feels as she was betrayed by those who were the closest to her, and through Song Yik-Kyung’s body, she’s able to see who her true friends are. She realized she's always being too innocent and naive to everything. During the 49 days of being a traveler, she faces all kind of circumstances that she found out her best friend and fiance are planning something against her, and her friends felt her kindness are too annoying and so on. She needs to get through all these circumstances and stand up as a strong girl.

This is suppose to be the actual day which Shin Ji-Hyun will get marry with Kang Min-Ho. Shin Ji-Hyun was feeling so upset of things that happened and couldn't get marry as she thought. But The Scheduler cheer-ed her up and remind her that she should be happy because she discovered her fiance is not a good guy before she get marry with him. This is how The Scheduler cheer her up, by telling her that she can "shop till she drop"! (Wowww! I would want that too!)

Changes of clothing from the first to the fifth.

And this is her final choice, another dolly look, but she chop her long and gorgeous hair off. The necklace she's wearing in the photo is where the 3 genuine tears will be kept.

Han Kang is trying to give Shin Ji-Hyun some moral support.

When Shin Ji-Hyun felt totally hopeless that she would collect any genuine tears and was trying to say goodbye to everyone before she left, Han Kang found out that it's actually Shin Ji-Hyun in Song Yi-Kyung's body. He then went to the hospital to see Shin Ji-Hyun and told her that he knew it's her, and his tears streamed down at the same time. Yes! That's the first genuine tear, by Han Kang who loves her truly.

When Shin Ji-Hyun realized that her fiance (Kang Min-Ho) was up to something, by using Song Yi Kyung's body, she tried to get close to him to find out what is he up to. Eventually Kang Min-Ho was attracted and he falls for her. This caused confusion to Kang Min-Ho when he found out that Song Yi Kyung is actually Shin Ji-Hyun, he couldn't differentiate who does he love. 
Kang Min-Ho get to Shin Ji-Hyun for something, but he falls for Shin Ji-Hyun who's in Song Yi Kyung's body. Isn't it very ironic?

Song Yi-Kyung, the one whose soul already died long ago, wakes up and she sees memories in her head of her happy days as a young girl. For Shin Ji-Hyun, it becomes a sort of reversal, but for Song Yi-Kyung, it’s just a rush of memories and scenes coming back to her. When Song Yi-Kyung started to discover that Shin Ji-Hyun is using her body, she felt scare and wanted to leave as Kang Min-Ho threatened her too. But then Shin Ji-Hyun chased to the railway with the help of the Scheduler, she saw Han Kang who is trying to persuade Song Yi-Kyung to stay at the railway. Shin Ji-Hyun tried to explain everything to Song Yi-Kyung although she knew that she (Song Yi-Kyung) won't be able to see her. But surprisingly, from that moment onwards, Song Yi-Kyung was able to see her, and Song Yi-Kyung agreed to stay and help her as she has only few days left.

While the story goes on, The Scheduler realized that he's Song Yi-Soo, boyfriend to Song Yi-Kyung. And his wish of being a Scheduler is to remain the rings at the place where he met the accident and he wanted to explain everything to Song Yi-Kyung. 
Did I mention that Song Yi-Soo grew up in a orphanage? And when Song Yi-Kyung first arrived that orphanage, it was Song Yi-Soo who found her there and named her after his name. 
Watch the drama for their relationship in more details cause it's quite difficult to explain here.

It's the next day right after 5 years of being a volunteer Scheduler (though he has been punished to accomplish another week of task). The Scheduler/Song Yi-Soo dated Song Yi-Kyung to the place where he met the accident 5 years ago, he explained everything to her, found the rings back and give one to her. And so they passed the day happily.

However, the next day when Song Yi-Kyung thought that day was suppose the day Song Yi-Soo will bring her away (to death), but Song Yi-Soo told her that he wanted to say goodbye, and asked her to live happily with a person who really loves her, or else he wouldn't be happy in his next life. He then threw the rings into the sea.
That's really not a good ending to them, they love each other so much but they no longer have a chance to be together anymore. Both of them look really sad, especially when Song Yi-Soo turned and walked away, he can't help but crying. (This is the way too sad for them)

It's the 48th day.
Actually at first I thought it was Song Yi-Kyung who talked with Han Kang, he mistaken too. But when she hugged him from the back, he realized it was actually Shin Ji-Hyun. She didn't have much hope on coming back to life again as she only collected a genuine tear. And she knew that even if she comes back to life, she'll not be able to remember anything which happened in this 49 days, included her feeling to Han Kang. 

The next day, which is the 49th day, when Shin Ji-Hyun was about to leave, her necklace suddenly sparks! Yes! There goes the second and third genuine tears. The second tear is from her best friend, Park Seo-Wo, which is expected. But the third one is quite surprising to me, I thought it would from Song Yi-Kyung, but it's actually from Shin In-Jung. So, Shin Ji-Hyun get to back to her body now.

As what the Scheduler said, Shin Ji-Hyun wouldn't be able to remember anything, of cause she's so surprise that Han Kang treats her so nice. Everyone feels happy that she has finally awake. However, the God seems to be kidding with her, the next day when she's going for medical check up, she saw The Scheduler and she suddenly remember everything. Then The Scheduler explained to her that she's the last task that he would in charge of, which means Shin Ji-Hyun is going to be dead exactly a week later. And as she has been a 49 days traveler, they agreed to give her a choice, whether to remember the things that happen in that 49 days or not. As expected, she chose to remember everything but she still pretend that she can't remember in front of Han Kang. And she acted like she's going to be alright. Until Song Yi-Kyung came to visit her, she then told her everything. 

It's the last day in her life. Shin Ji-Hyun dated Han Kang to be her one-day-boyfriend. They went for a picnic cause Shin Ji-Hyun never have a picnic with her boyfriend or fiance.

They were standing in front of a statue which Han Kang told Shin Ji-Hyun that if she throws a coin and make a wish, it will come true.
Han Kang: Let Shin Ji-Hyun continue to live.
Shin Ji Hyun: Let Han Kang forget me.
Yes. Actually Han Kang knew everything as Song Yi-Kyung decided to tell him though Shin Ji-Hyun asked her not to. It's so sad that they have to make this kind of wishes instead of living together as couple.

Shin Ji-Hyun gets back to the hospital, before she's dead, she get to tell her parents that she loves them very much. Everyone was shocked of her death, nobody has ever thought that after such a miracle that she's able to awake from coma, she will be dead because of the inner injury caused by the accident.

The Scheduler came to get Shin Ji-Hyun to the elevator. 

And the last shocking part in this drama is that Shin Ji-Hyun has a sister, but she had forgotten about that cause her sister was missing since she's small. And guess who is her sister?
It's Song Yi-Kyung who always thought that she's being left by her parents.
The Scheduler and Han Kang finally find it makes sense that Song Yi Kyung's tears wasn't counted as she is Shin Ji-Hyun's sister. And The Scheduler eventually understand why his senior meant that Song Yi-Kyung and Shin Ji-Hyun have complicated relationship.

Pheww! Finally I wrote it to the end. It took me 3-night-time to complete this post. I know it's extremely messy, yet I hope it won't distract you from feeling interested of being attracted by this drama. Do believe me, it won't disappoint you. I've cried lots of times for this drama, especially the last 3 episodes, so touching and sad.

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