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Friday, April 22

Awesome Stress Releasing Session

Went to Neway on Wed right after tuition with SHAN and EE. The receptionist told us that the room is from 2 to 6pm, however, they didn't ask us to make payment after 6pm. So we decided to call on them for the payment and leave as they are rushing back to home. The songs continue to play even we had made payment. WOW! How great! And it's only 10++ for students, included lunch set. So worthy!

Snapshots with babe SHAN and EE.

Not to forget the vain moments after the K session.

And of cause, I was vain-ing again when arrived home. =)

The stress was totally released after the 4 hours singing session, yet I hardly fall asleep every night.
It's not insomnia, just taking some time before I really fall asleep, I have to roll again and again, looking at the time pass minute by minute, at the same time, having quick flash back on my mind about incidents that happened. I just couldn't stop thinking about anything else, they're like appearing on my mind automatically. Sigh.

By the way, we got the news that our result will be releasing on 29th of April, which is next Friday. That's too quick. Maybe because there is only 3 subjects in this semester. Hopefully I will get what I'm wishing for. No disappointment this time. Oh yea. Dreamt of something last night. Something related to exam. *I don't know why I was so confident that if I do only the first two section of the English paper, I'll get an A for sure. So, I wasted the first hour thinking of the trip right after the exam (a spontaneous trip to KL for shopping), I end up over-thinking of it, and left not more than half hour to do the paper. Then, i fail the paper as I couldn't even complete the first section!* LMAO. I don't know why I dreamt of something like that. It's so ridiculous!

I'm currently chasing after a Korean drama, 'My Princess', which I sacrificed for the prior of watching Dream High as the storyline is more attracting to me. Uhmm. So far so good, quite a number of funny scenes, and it's better than I thought. Shall complete this drama by next week and start a HK drama, either 'Only You' or "Yes sir, sorry sir!'


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