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Friday, February 11

Happy Bunny Year!


Not much to update about CNY on this year.
Since the visit to all the relatives' houses will only be on the first day, so the following days will be so so so freeeee.
However, outing for this year wasn't as much as the previous year.
So do the photos, especially I deleted an album by mistake.

Here comes the New Year Eve.
Reunion dinner at house as usual.

The meals were all cooked by my mummy.
They are actually delicious.
I love all of them so much.
Especially my mummy will only cook them once a year since they're really complicated and troublesome to prepare.

Then the First day of CNY.

Visited both granny's houses and then headed to Gurney for the movie, I Love Hong Kong.
It was my first time watching movie on the first day with cousins and an aunt.
I was so nervous and stressful when I'm fetching my cousins to Gurney.
Nobody talked in the car. *weird situation*
I didn't have the chance to take a photo with my cousins too.
Especially we're going with my aunt. *feeling blushes to do that* teeheee
Will try it next year. If there's a chance.

The left one was the butterfly which I saw it at the balcony on the first day of CNY. It was so pretty.
While the right one, yup, they are the same butterfly. But it died on the next day. Poor lil thing. I saw it laid on the floor, so I picked it up and put on the plant.

Say cheers! These are the photos of the day.
White and red as the colours of that day, since I was wearing a red shirt and white pants at night too.

I Love Hong Kong 我 ♥ HK 开心万岁.
This movie is from the producer of "72 Tenants of Prosperity 72家租客"
That means it still so many actors and actresses from various companies.
The storyline is actually very short, you can explain it in 2 or 3 minutes, but they bring in all the funny materials, 
acting, jokes, exaggerate expressions and etc.

Big Cattie is in the house!
Say hello to her.

The Third day of CNY.
Headed to EE's brother wedding dinner that night.
Uhmm. Didn't manage to take photo with friends too.
What a waste when I brought along my baby camera but didn't use it.

Outfit of the wedding dinner.

The Seventh day of CNY.

Finally, had the first outing with my babes on February.
I paid a visit to doctor before headed to 1st Avenue to meet them up.
Had our very first Chatime there and went for the movie, All Well Ends Well 2011.

Drinks of the day, from Chatime!

We were so match right? Love this pixiie a lot!

All Well Ends Well 2011 最强喜事 2011
The very first movie of Cecilia Cheung after resting for quite some time.
So do Donnie Yen, he usually focus on acting action type movie, that's why I was quite surprise when I knew that he involved in this type of comedy movie.
Uhmm. The storyline is quite weird since everyone fell in love suddenly. But I did enjoy laughing all the way the movie played.

I know they look ugly and disgusting, but these are all the wounds located on my hand and legs.
Obviously they are all infected and spread-ed.
I guess I was bitten by some kind of insects on the first day of CNY. But I didn't realise it because at first there is only a wound and it looked like I was stung by mosquito.
The top right photo is the first wound then it spread-ed to other places.
Doctor said luckily the poison didn't spread into my blood, otherwise wounds will appear on every parts of my body.

Btw, I had a check on my result at the night just as I decided on the night before.
Seriously, I'm quite disappointed.
I expected there might be a grade which is not so good but I never expect it would happen on that particular subject.
The result made me not in the mood.
And when I realized I had deleted an album by mistakes, I was totally down to the max.

The Eighth & Nine-th day of CNY.

A very hazy day.
The photo below, suppose I can see the Penang bridge.
But I failed to see it that day.

Outfit of the night, before going to granny's house for the praying ceremony.

The praying stuffs and materials were all well prepared.
But I wonder why there was a wine?
The modern material for praying?

Fireworks. I love them!
These were the fireworks played by my uncles.
The right one is only as tall as a person. So it is consider as a very small fireworks.

Fire crackers bought by my aunt, uncle and cousin. So there are a total of 5 fire crackers and they are 8m each.
Woohooo! Here it comes.

Last but not least, the last step of the ceremony-burning.
I don't really know what are these called.
"Money" perhaps? I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
See.... A lot right? Because my grandparents have 9 children and about more than grandchildren! Teeheeee.
The fire was so hot and it burnt so high!
By the way, when I was on the way going back home, I saw the compound of an apartment, many residents gathered all the "money" and was going to burn them. I think that will make a very grand sight.

I completed a series of movie, Zhong Wu Yan 钟无艳 during the CNY holiday.
Overall it's quite nice. And I'm now addicted to all the OST songs. *迷宫,转身之后,不下雨的星期一,倒数*
By the way, the semester break is about to end very soon. 2 more days to go.
Yes. The new semester is going to begins on next Monday, which mean it is a Valentine's Day.
Ahhhh! Whatever, I'm not going to celebrate it. So just let it be.
I don't like the new time table and I couldn't change it either. What a sad case.
Till here then. Gonna fight for this coming semester, a very short semester with a very few subjects.

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