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Thursday, May 20

Orientation week

First day of orientation week.
Freshmen were given this shirt to wear on when we reported ourselves in the DK halls.
Then headed to CA for the briefing.
The weather was so hot.
We were sweating until we got into the CA which is with the ACs.
"Scholarship holders please proceed to the front rows"
Yes. I hate that. But still I was arranged to the front row alone.
The whole briefing was kinda boring.
Clapping hands to welcome the principal of TARC, Mr. Amos, the chairman of SWC, lecturers and tutorials.
GO GREEN, the theme for the orientation this year.
After that we're arranged to the team according to the number we got when we came in to CA.
I was in group 15 of SBS.
I was alone in that group. So bad.
SHAN said we should change our group before the jot down our name.
Yes, we should, but it was too late when she said that.
Aerobic as the first activity for the second day.
Nothing much to say.
There was a sport competition for the third day.
There were't any running section. Too bad. I was so eager to take part in it.
But at the end, I volunteer to take part in the "ba he" section.
We won the first round but lose the second round.
They were too strong for us. ><
Black for SBS and Blue for SOT.
But it's just part of the freshman. It was the fourth day.
Team 15, Twilight, with the course marshall, Torty Pang.
It was the last day of orientation.
We were discussing the steps for the cheer leading.
Surprisingly, our team got into the final of variety show on the day before.
Actually the cheer leading was arranged to celebrate that we had defeated the Zombies in the sketch.
I was shocked that I need to cheer as well.
I never dance since the last perfomance during the graduation ceremony in kindergarden.
I had to jump over a girl who was the support for me.
It was a nice try.
At least I can jump over without falling down.
After the sketch and the cheer leading.
I miss the mashimaro clap so much. LOL. I feel so pity to that mashimaro, it had lost it tiny lil tail. ><
Yeah! Cheer for SBS!
SBS! Win the world! Yes. Once again SBS is the champion for 3 years continuously.
Can you see that?
Everyone is cheering and I was one of them.
Yes. I had spoiled my image in the first week in TARC.
But whatever. I shouldn't mind right?
If I care of it, I couldn't enjoy the fun during the orientation week.
The winning pose for SBS?
So as the result, the student leaders have to cut botak as they promised.
But some of them just had their hair cut short.
I met an accident when I was on the going to college at the last day of orientation.
I was coming out from the junction, there's no car coming, so I crossed the road, but suddenly a car came so fast. I stopped to let it passed by then continue to drive to the right path.
A motor came from the opposite road, in order not to bang it, I drove near to the left then bang a car.
That Malay guy was kinda over.
I just bang a side and he asked my parents to paint the whole car for him.
Then my mummy noted that the other side of his car has scraches
So he's trying to take advantage on us.
He went to report as well.
We had promised to fix it back and not to report.
But he did. ><
Then before I back to my house, just at the junction of TARC, I bang other car and broke my number plate.
It was THENG's car. Luckily nothing happened to her car.
That time she was going out from the junction, as usual, when I saw she's going out, I released a bit break in order to go further and see clearly.
Then a car came so fast and she suddenly break then bang again.
I was so bad luck on that day.
A day which I will never forget.

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