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Friday, April 16

- The Rats -

Suddenly I felt like I want to update this post.
Well, it happened one month plus ago.
This is the orange which placed on the table of my daddy's office during CNY.
It had been eaten.
And this is the second one.
The first one totally left the orange skin only ><
During March, my daddy saw a rat on top of the boxes.
He used a long ruler to disturb it.
The rat suddenly ran out and both my mummy and I screamed.
And I ran out from the office ==
So my daddy decided to catch it.
He let the worker bought a cage and some snacks to put inside the cage to attract the rat.
I remember that was a Saturday.
When I came to the office in the next week, I had totally forgotten about this incident.
I walked by the cage without knowing there were rats in the cage until my daddy told me about it.
without the flash light so the picture looks dark. After edit, you can see them clearly. My brother said they are cute and kinda clean.
OMG. Hamster is cuter.
But then they have kinda huge eyes.
I'm not afraid of them because they were in the cage and won't run here and there.
Then few weeks ago, I saw another rat ran in front of me from a side to another side.
Guess what.
See, there's an improvement. XD

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