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Saturday, February 6

I swore to hide the pain

It's February now. Time really flies fast.
Last year this time I was still a Form 5 student.
Still enjoying the school life which can be with friends everyday.
CNY is just around the corner.
As I said in the previous post, I bought many stuffs for CNY.
But still I want to have moreeeee.
How greedy I am. >.<
Well, I'm always that greedy.
I want to have more though I already have a lot.
And now, I want to do few things at the same time.
I don't want to miss any gathering with my besties, so do the holiday.
What am I going to do? Will you girls wait for me?
Perhaps at the end I will still prefer to be with friends.
But I really wish to go, either to relax or to enjoy the life.
I don't want to have such boring life!

Anyway, I'd passed my QTI on 4th during the 3rd pratical.
I wanted to take the test on 4th at first,
but then uncle asked me to test together with EE on 7th.
When I was practicing on the road, uncle suddenly asked me whether want to test on that day.
Of cause I want! I've been waiting for so long!!
I was so nervous and did everything wrong at first.
I thought I'll fail when the tester asked me to stop inside the center without testing uphill, side parking and 3 point turn
and I saw he crossed few blanks in the form.
But at the end he said I passed the test!
I was so happy for that. =D
I didn't bring even a single cent that day,
cause I thought I'll be going back to office after the practical.
So I borrowed from uncle, it's quite embarrassed to do so.
Don't blame me, I usually didn't bring money along with me.
Unless I'm going to hang out with my friends.

One more month and 6 days to go (not sure about the actual date) before the result is coming out.
Yeah, I'm worrying about the result.
I want to score with merit but can I?
I don't think I'd tried my best during the exam.
But it's too late to regret though.
Just hope I won't be too disappointed with the result.

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