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Saturday, November 3


谢安真,离婚四年,单身四年,身兼职业OL与家庭主妇两种身分的她,将生活中的一切都打理得井然有序。女儿眼中的好妈妈、同事眼中的好上司、朋友眼中的好姐妹,但,她又会是谁的 “好情人” 呢?

虽然对爱情仍然有些渴望,安真总用自己的生活很充实、很满足、很幸福来当藉口,因此,她与天蔚还是一直维持着 “好朋友” 的关系。但,连安真自己也没发现,她只是没有勇气,没有勇气再次投入一段…「甜蜜却随时可能破碎的爱情」在安真苦恼于是否该接受天蔚的感情时,前夫瑞凡却在此时出现,再次对她展开追求。 在「亲情」与「爱情」、「安心」与「开心」、「习惯」与「改变」之间,安真是否能够把握当下的幸福,勇敢走向能让她发自内心微笑的那个人呢? 幸福,真有这麽困难吗?

***Gotta set the photos look so large so that you can see the wordings clearer***

I really like what her ex husband , 温瑞凡 said to her before she left to find 蓝天蔚 and stop him from the "wedding". That's the most touch part throughout the whole movie, which almost made me tears out too.

Sweetest smile ever, with the beautiful gown, going to grab back her love one, after realizing that she should actually give herself one more chance.


幸福难不难 | 郁可唯 |

一个人生活 | 林凡 |
It's a brand new version of  一个人生活. The previous one was about forcing yourself to be independent and forgo all the memories; but this one, it's about after getting through, and begin to live alone, that's why it's a struggling version versus a happiness/joyful version.

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