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Thursday, May 10

Brand New Semester

It's a short post of my first week of the new semester:

MON (30/4/12)
There's only 4 subjects in this semester, but 7 books here, not including a reference book yet. As the corporate law's lecture said, it's a tough semester, 2 theory (memorizing) subjects, 1 calculation, and 1 combination of both. The calculation subject is considered as the easier one, the remaining ones required our hard work and efforts. Aja aja fighting!

Movie with friends in the first day of schooling. Haven't been meeting them for almost half of the month. Missing them so so much! Btw, it's a nice movie, quite funny! Stay back for the video at the end of the movie, you are gonna laugh out loud!

TUE (1/5/12)
2 or 3 years back, on this day, I'll be going out with my babe, WEI, it's already like our anniversary. But since last year, we no longer hanging out on this day, cause I'm so lazy to drive on this crowding time, and also she's working these days. So I went out with family, and I don't have to drive, the best choice of all!

Tea time with family at Paddington House of Pancakes.
I don't know the actual name, but it's mocha.

This is not nice at all.

My all time favourite in Paddington, the Fondue *love*

Nothing special but redbox-ing with Shannie on Wed as we were having 5-hour-break, so let's skip this day.

THU (3/5/12)
Grandma was in the hospital, I actually thought she was sick, but then when  I visited her at night, only I realized that she fell down knocking her forehead and the back. She looks kind of blur that day, keep calling my cousin-sisters' names, and wrongly recognized me as well. Her hands and legs were tied up to prevent her from pulling those hypodermic needles away. She keep asking us to untied her and telling us the pain. The next day, the ICU was so full that they wanted to transfer grandma to a normal room. Uncle thought we could appoint special nurse to take care of her, but they disallowed. So uncle requested to let grandma have a medical check up before transferring, and there they discovered that the blood is not clotting and it's even worst than the day before. Surgery was carried out, and luckily it's all over now, grandma is luckier than another one, which previously fell down because of high cholesterol or something, fell into coma and then awoke when doctor said it's hopeless, but she now has difficulty in walking, taking care of herself, and also not able to remember most of the things. Glad that this grandma is all okay, she's able to recognize us now, but look real old suddenly. God bless, hopefully she will be able to get well soon!

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