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Saturday, April 14


Date: 14.04.2012
Event: Black Valentines Dating with Shannie

with Shannie.

Dating with Shannie today (14/4), which is Black Valentines Day, cause we promised each other that we will hang out on every valentines day as long as we're still single. So we hang out to watch this epic movie, TITANIC.

15 years ago, it was only TITANIC in normal version, mainly acted by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. And I think I watched it about 10 or 12 years ago? That time I wasn't really understand everything and never shed tears or feel touching. I was still a kid kay.

15 years later, it's TITANIC in 3D, to mark the 100th anniversary of TITANIC tragedy. Uhmm. Honestly, the 3D effect wasn't that good, luckily it's an epic movie, was so touching and of course shedding tears in the cinema for the "I'll never let go" scenes.

---Correct me if the sequence of photos is wrong---

Rose DeWitt Bukater, but after the sink of TITANIC, she gives her name as Rose Dawson.

Jack Dawson, won the ticket to abroad TITANIC by gambling.

This should be the actual classical "You jump, I jump" scene, am I right?

Viewing Jack's sketches.

Jack was invited to a first-class dinner as appreciatiom for saving Rose who intended to suicide.
Jack can really wear formerly and look like a gentleman right?

Following the first-class dinner that night, Rose secretly joins Jack at a party in the ship's third-class quarter.

Another classical scene, people's all time favourite scene: Rose realized that she prefer Jack over her fiance (Cal), and then she meets him at the bow of the ship in the evening, which turns out to be the TITANIC's final moments of daylight.

Rose wearing The Heart of the Ocean.
Jack sketches Rose nude wearing the Heart of the Ocean, dated 14.04.1912.

What I knew is that this year is the 100th anniversary of TITANIC tragedy, but until I saw this drawing at the beginning of the movie, then only I realized that today is exactly a 100 years from the day the drawing is sketched, it's such a coincidence.

The moment before the ship sinks.

This is it, the "I will never let go" scene which is also one of my favourite scenes in the movie.
Jack helps Rose onto a wall panel which can only support a person's weight, he then holds on the panel's edge and assures that she will die as an old woman, warm on her bed. There, she promises him that she will never give up and will never let go.
However, when a lifeboat returned to search for survivors, Jack was already dead from hypothermia.

85 years later, at the Lovett's ship (the ship which those treasure hunters explore the wreck of TITANIC to search for the Heart of the Ocean), Rose takes out the diamond necklace, which has been in her possession all along, and drops it into the ocean. While seemingly asleep, the photos on her dresser are a visual chronicle that she lived a free life inspired by Jack (those photos are must-bring items whenever she goes travel). The young Rose then seen reuniting with Jack at the Grand Staircase of the TITANIC.

The must listen TITANIC's theme song: My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.

Saw this somewhere else, it's quite meaningful.
去看TITANIC in 3D的理由:15年前,我觉得失去最爱的人是世上最难以接受的事;15年后,我知道就算失去了,也要带着回忆和爱,勇敢地活下去。15年前,  觉得 “You jump, I jump” 最深情;15年后,只在乎那句:I will never let you go。

P/S: Sorry if it made you feel boring. Though it's already semester break, I still don't hang out a lot, what is left in my life is not other than movies and dramas. Btw, stay tune for my short getaway post yar, need some time to copy and rotate the photos.

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