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Friday, April 27

LIFELESS Semester Break 1

Finally my semester break has come to an end, it's the last semester break in my diploma life, and I'm supposed to enjoy it, yet I end up choosing a lifeless way to go through, which is to catch up some movies or dramas that I've missed previously, in between I bumped on a few nice ones.

---- Here's a few movies I watched in this month ----

TITANIC in 3D, as I mentioned in the previous post.

BATTLESHIP, it's really an awesome movie *thumbs up*
And I'm rating it 10/10!
At first I never know the story, never watch the trailer, not even know who's acting, but I still spent about an hour time dealing with the e-payment cause of some issues. At least it didn't let me down right?

MARVEL'S THE AVENGERS, probably one of the greatest movie of the year as well.
At the beginning when they're searching and gathering the heroes aka the avengers, it's quite boring. But then when the "war" started, it's really awesome, and there are some humour scenes which I wouldn't expect from the movie too. I've been waiting for this movie ever since I watched CAPTAIN AMERICA, and luckily it's worth waiting for.

And then these are the dramas I watched through PPS:

我可能不會愛你 In Time with You

Whenever she's upset, she calls him for heart-to-heart. In this scene, he left his girlfriend alone, and spent almost 2-hour-time coming over to consult her. So touching right? It's really good to have a friend like this!

Then, her ex boyfie is back. At first she tried to stay away from him, but later then they get back together again. I wouldn't deny that they really look very sweet to be together, somehow I felt that he's too flirty, which the following incident proves that I'm right.

It's during the farewell for him, cause he's going to work in Singapore.
The above is what his ex girlfriend told her during the farewell.

The next day, she went to the airport but instead of meeting him, she called him to say goodbye.

The following are the voice mails she left at his old phone number, which he's not using anymore. Since the day she knew he likes her, she tells herself that she shouldn't call him whenever she likes, so she leaves him a voice mail when she feels like talking to him.
Voice mail 1

Voice mail 2

Voice mail 3

Voice mail 4

Voice mail 5

Voice mail 6

Then at the farewell party before she gets married, he decided to come back for her, but he missed the party, so he left her a note with bless, saying that he will not come back for her wedding, but the red packet will be sent just as what he promised.
However, during the farewell party, she was told with the truth which he's hiding all these years, and also heard of the song he wrote for her. After she saw the note, she went to find her fiance to cancel off the wedding, some incident happens, which made her no longer feel sorry to her fiance.

After that she went for a long vacation, and send him postcards whenever she arrives a country.

Finally she's back to the town, she found herself a job in IKEA.
During her birthday, she receives wishes and blessing from all her friends and family, except him.

But that night, he gave her a surprise by showing up in her office, just like the scenes she dreamt of.

Finally they are together, but he still have to work in Singapore, so they fly to meet each other whenever they have free time. Later then, he decided to come back for her, and surprise her with the funny yet touching proposal.


Dream High 2

Comparing both Dream High and Dream High 2, definitely I would still prefer Dream High. But if you're not comparing, Dream High 2 isn't that bad. Dream High focus more on their hard work in achieving their dreams, while Dream High 2 focus more on their relationship stuffs, which make both of the dramas so different.

Left: Jung Jin-Woon (2AM) acting as Jin Yoon Jin.
Right: Kang Sora acting as Shin Hye-Sung.

I guess this is the scene when Jin Yoon Jin started to fall for Shin Hye-Sung.
I thought they would end up together but she's with JB.

Shin Hye-Sung with JB. I always thought that she only admires him as a star, somehow they're still together.
Oh yea, forgot to mention that JB is a star from the beginning, but Shin Hye-Sung is still studying and she couldn't sing or dance well.

Well, the ending didn't mention or clarify that they're together cause she went to US to further studies for almost 8 years. But I saw someone commented that they're still couple cause they're wearing each other's stuffs, which I agree as well.

JB and Park JiYeon, who acted as Rian.
They look better together right? We were couples but they still look so sweet and matching together, which is why I couldn't understand how come JB is with Shin Hye-Sung.

Look at this video, you will know why would I say so.
(JB and Rian are singing 'Together', written by Shin Hye-Sung)

While for Jin Yoon Jin and Rian, I felt that there are something between them, Rian can be so happy and being herself just like how she did when she was with JB. Their friends thought they were couple too! But they clarify that they are only close friends.

Again, some of my favourite OST:
"Day After Day" by Rian (Park JiYeon)

"When I Can't Sing". If I'm not mistaken, this should be JB's version.

"We Are The B". It's a very cute song singing by the lower class students, including Shin Hye-Sung and Jin Yoon Jin. You will sing along together even just heard it once.


步步惊心 Scarlet Heart

I've watched the second last episode a couple months ago, that time I wasn't really understand the whole story, but I'm already felt really sad when the female lead passed away. Then last week, I accidentally saw this drama in PPS, at first I totally wasn't into it, but after viewing its description, it seemed to be quite interesting to me.

"It's about a 25-year-old modern lady woke up from a car accident and found herself in a body of 13-year-old girl living in the Dynasty Qing. It's all about how she adapts herself in the new environment, struggling at the same time worrying about her friends as she knew their endings. And she also became deeply entangled in Aisin Gioro's princes battle of the throne."

I've been shedding tears a lot for this movie, especially crying river over for the last few episodes. If you saw me on those days, you would probably thought I'm having a hard time or had been heartbroken for real. For me, this drama is already ahead of 49 days, I can even shed tears while listening to the songs, cause there will be an automatic flashback of the sad scenes on my mind.

Their relationship map.
I don't think you're able to see it clearly, but as you can see it roughly here, they have very complicated relationship, and it's really hard to be explained in words. So no more story telling for this.

The female lead with the 8th prince, who is also her sister-in-law, but her sister doesn't like him.
I've been shedding so much tears for both of them. And honestly, I'm a supporter of the 8th prince, I mean supporting both of them being together.

The female lead with the 4th prince, who became the emperor after then, so that he can protect her and the 13th prince.

The female lead with the 14th prince.
Actually after finished watching the drama, I felt weird that he's too caring to her, but I never realized that he loves her, until I saw a post discussing their relationship. Later then, when I read the novel, I discovered his feeling to her, even more.
*There are quite a number of scenes which weren't in the drama, and without those scenes, sometimes you couldn't understand what they actually trying to say*

The 4th, 8th, 10th, 9th, 13th, and 14th princes. Some of them look quite different in the modern style.
Note: 4th and 13th princes are in a team, while the rest are in another team.

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