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Wednesday, March 28

Recent Favourites

Hello readers! Just took a test paper yesterday, one paper to go! So I'm now spending some time to blog. Uhmm. It will be all about my recent favourite songs kay?

连续剧 by 容祖儿, from the new HK drama, On Call 36小时
It's a very nice drama, but I'm not gonna talk about it this time, so go watch it if you have the time kay?

Here, show you a video of the awesome part in the drama:

那些你很冒险的梦 by JJ 林俊杰
Missed out his autograph mini concert on Monday, was so upset about that!

两个世界 from the movie of 十分爱
It's a very nice and meaningful movie, and the whole series of movies are my all time favourites.
Feel free to watch all of them: 我的最爱、独家试爱、十分爱
The main characters in this series of movies are 邓丽欣 & 方力申, they had made the good couples here, and one of the best couples in my heart. 

毕业后的你不是我的 by 孙小涵
Well, I've never heard of this singer, but then I accidentally clicked onto this song.
It's quite nice, and the lyrics is simple, yet the rap sounds a little bit weird, do you feel so?

Accidentally bumped into this song on fb two days ago, it reminded me of another song which is also from the same taiwanese drama, 想飞. These 2 songs were my favourites when I was in Form 3, perhaps?

乘风 by 王蓝茵

中间 by 王蓝茵 & 陈威铨

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