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Thursday, September 15


Semester 1's result has released this morning, but I haven't check it yet. I don't know why I'm not as nervous as before (I mean the time when I was about to get UPSR, PMR or SPM's result, I started to to feel nervous one or few days before). Well, for now I won't get nervous until I start to browse my college webpage, cause I knew that I could do nothing to change the result at this moment, it's all depend on my hard work before, so all I can do is to pray.

Back to the main topic now. It's gonna be a long post. So be patient and read till the end, if can do leave some comments. *wink*
It's exactly a year left till the day I complete my diploma course. Time flies, it's like just a blink of eye I have studied in TARC for more than one year, and another year later, I'm going to graduate as a diploma holder, how fast is it. And I'm growing older as well. 

There is an issue bordering me lately, where am I suppose to continue my study after diploma? Outstation? Or overseas? 

  1. I've got some opinions from my tutor, he advised me to study advance diploma in KL for 2 years and at the same time complete all the ACCA papers within that period. He said he believe I am capable of doing so. 
  2. But for me, I want to go somewhere else further, like SG which is suggested my parents. But according to my  tutor, he  only consider NUS as a good university in accounting and so far he knew no where else which provide ACCA lecturing, so even if I have my degree there, I couldn't come back to take ACCA paper cause it would be difficult for me. Seriously I'm very confuse too. Especially I knew that NUS only accept STPM leavers and those who studied A-Level, but neither do I am. Besides, I did some research but turned out I couldn't find any ACCA course or lecturing in SG.
I really hope to be a degree holder and at the same time complete all the ACCA papers within that period. 

One of the main reasons that I want to study in SG so much is because, it' has a distance from my hometown, yet it's not too far away. I'm always so dependent on everyone around me, both parents and friends. It's not a very good sign cause I never get to learn to be independent. Just like my current situation, I'm still studying in my hometown, having friends studying in the same college, and the same class too. Okay. I know that it's always the best to be together with family and friends all the time, but for a person like me, it sometimes make things turn worst, cause I'll never go and know more people, instead I'll always stick with the same group of people. While living together with parents, I've totally no worry at all, cause I know they are always by my side, prepare and put me at their concerns. Just like what my mum told me, I have everything here when I am with them, but when I further my study, I'm gonna learn to handle everything by myself, and it's gonna be very tough for a person like me.

Omg omg. *tears stream down while I'm typing this post*
I can't imagine if one day I really leave my hometown to continue my study. I'm definitely gonna have home-sick and missing everyone as well as everything here. And I think I'll definitely crying like there's no tomorrow when the day I leave. Alright, not gonna say too much about that, that's what I should worry about a year later. And now there's an issue needed to be concerned at the first place, where am I suppose to go? I'm totally out of idea now.

What I expect, it never come true; but what I don't expect, it always happens. 
So I learned not to expect for the good ones, 
cause when there's no expectation, there will be no dissappointment.

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