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Wednesday, December 29

Final Is Coming To Town!

2 days to go for New Year eve.
8 days to go for the final examination.
Time flies really fast.
I don’t feel like celebrating the New Year eve as it reminds me of the final examination which is just around the corner.
And the second semester is going to end very soon.
Reviewing on all the coursework, I will grade them as good.
I got either A or A- for all the subjects though I didn’t do very well on some of the assignments or tests.
And I have a small improvement on English.
Yes. I got an A- for it, which I got a B+ in the previous semester.
However, what have I done on the preparation for final?
I did nothing. I didn’t work hard on it at all. What a sad case!
Compared with the last semester, I started to prepare few weeks ago before the final.
But now, I just started the preparation yesterday!
Seems like I will have to pay twice the effort as how I did during the previous semester.
And I will pray very hard too.
God bless me please!

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