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Saturday, August 22

Tagged by Chaiwei/Elaine

Nyatakan 5 fakta yang menarik mengenai pemberi award ini, *Chaiwei* 1. Pretty girl 2. Friendly 3. Sociable 4. Good in dressing up herself 5. Funny *Elaine* 1. Cute 2. Pretty 3. Friendly 4. Sociable 5. - ( sorry that I don't know her much ) Setiap blogger harus menyatakan 10 fakta / hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya, 1. Listening to song 2. Hanging out with friends and him 3. Watching movie 4. Singing 5. Photographing 6. Chit-chatting 7. Self-potraiting 8. Blogging 9. Online 10. Texting Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan ceritakan tentang mereka, 1. Theng - My dearest sister and besties =) - She's pretty and friendly. Love you. Lol 2. Wei - My dearest sister and besties too - She's pretty too and she's good in dressing up herself. Love you too. ^^ 3. Shan - My besties - She was the ex badminton president XD
4. Ee (I would like to tag her though she doesn't own a blog)
- My besties
- A very cute girl with big eyes and she's very good in singing
5. T-mag - A friend of mine - She's handsome and she has a pair of beautiful eyes with long eye lashes. Haha 6. Meithing - My friend and classmate - A tall girl and she's nice looking too 7. Ziwei - My friend - She's a pretty girl too 8. Merritt - My friend - He's sociable and a funny guy 9. Samantha - She's shan's cousin - Actually I don't know her much but we hang out together to have lunch when she b'day 10. Enn - A cute girl but I don't know her much too

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