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Wednesday, February 23

Burlesque • Secret Garden • He's Beautiful

As I mentioned in the previous post, new semester has started.
Everything is moving just well in the first week.
But I think I'm going to be real busy soon, since 14-week-course has been squeezed into 7 weeks, and we'll have two tests by next week too. Gonna work hard for it.
Of cause, coursework is a must.
Currently, we had just started the draft of business report, while TITA (stands for Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia), we're still waiting for the explanation of tutor.
We aren't sure what's the format and what's required in it.
Now I'm worrying can we pass up TITA assignment on time, which is two weeks later?
No doubt that I hate TITA so much. Is is so boring that I don't even manage to concentrate during the lesson.
The only thing that made me feel glad is, we don't have to present TITA assignment. This is the only good news!
Okay. I know I crapped a lot on schooling stuffs.
So, let's see what did I done to pass my previous week.

For your information, this is a very long post, full of pictures and music videos too.
They're all about movies or dramas! Teeheee.
View it patiently then.

Mr. and Mrs. Incredible.
It's not as bad as I heard though. At least I didn't fall asleep during the movie.
But of cause it can't beat down I Love HK or All's Well Ends Well 2011.
I actually missed out few of the high rated movies, Great Day, Homecoming and What Women Want.
Guess I'll have to watch them in PPS then.


Mainly acted by Christina Aguilera.

Here she is.
Acting as Ali in this movie, during the last show, "Show Me How You Burleque", written by her boyfie, Jack,


My impression on her was the song, "Genie In The Bottle".
I don't realise she has such a good voice until I watched this movie.
And she's hot with those pretty outfits too.

The couple.

Oh yea. I had the very first try on the beanie seat of TGV at 1st Avenue.
I'll advise you not to but the front seats, as your neck will really uncomfortable! Do believe in me kay?

Anyway, it's a very nice movie! You've gotta watch it.

You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me. by Cher
I'll be back.
Back on my feet.
This is far from over.
You haven't seen the last of me.
She has a very special voice! I'm in love with this song when I first heard it.
The lyrics is very meaningful too.


Secret Garden, 秘密花园. A korean movie which is top on the ranking.
Mainly acted by 玄彬 Hyun Bin (named as 金周元 in the movie) and 河智苑 Ho Ji Won (named as 吉罗琳 in the movie).
Strongly recommend this movie!
Don't give up watching even you feel it's boring at the beginning.
The movie is the type which is getting more and more interesting.
And the storyline is very fresh too.
The climax which is on the last 4 episodes are so touching, and they made me feel so sad when watching.

金周元(CEO of a hypermarket); 吉罗琳(stunt woman)

The couples. Sweet moments they had together!

This was the moment when their souls have been exchanged.
Their reactions when their souls are exchanged was so funny!
I just can't stop laughing.

Top left: 金周元 was writing a letter as behalf the "society director" (社会指导层) to 吉罗琳 who fell in coma at that moment.
Top right: 金周元 "kidnapped" 吉罗琳 from the hospital, and was going to sacrifice himself by exchanging the soul with her. (They exchange their souls whenever there's rainy day) The warning by 金周元 to 吉罗琳 was so touch yet sad. He really loves her deeply!

After they exchanged their souls, 金周元 was in coma with the appearance of 吉罗琳, while 吉罗琳 was awake with the appearance of 金周元.
The photos above show that they're in the same dream, the exchanging of soles is actually the spell made by 吉罗琳's father. And drinking the reddish flower wine began the spell and ended the spell as well.

After they're awake from the dream, everything was back to normal. 
However, 金周元 lost his memories which is after 21 years old. 
He remembered the name, 吉罗琳, but he didn't know who she is and how she looks like.
The photo above shows the story of mermaid which was kept inside a book of 金周元 before 吉罗琳 decided to break up with him. 
The ending was corrected by 金周元 himself before he "kidnapped" 吉罗琳.
And this story reminded him about the past.

See! The house designed by 金周元, very special and nice right?
But the lights, balloons and roses were decorated by OSKA and 尹瑟 on the night that 金周元 and 吉罗琳 registered as husband and wife! Pheww. Finally!

尹尚贤 (named as OSKA in the movie) & 金莎朗 (named as 尹瑟 in the movie).

Both of them were couples. But broke up because of misunderstanding.
After few years, when OSKA realised about that, he tried to figure out everything 尹瑟 likes and surprise her as well.
So, happily ever after.

Not to forget this red hair guy too. He is 李钟硕 (named as Shawn in the movie).
I was so surprise when he told OSKA that he's a gay. He likes OKSA without letting him knows.
Btw, I love his red hair. It is so attractive!

The pin that was designed by 金周元 for 吉罗琳 according exactly to those cats given by 吉罗琳's father.

那女人 by 白智英

理由 by 4MEN


He's Beautiful 原来是美男啊
I watched it in Dec 2010.
Just feel like wanted to recommend this movie as well.
I'm not that kind of people who will crazy about series of movies, don't ever say about korea movie.
But I'm actually attracted by these two movies, He's Beautiful and Secret Garden.
He's Beautiful is more to funny storyline.
Some sad, touching, sweet scenes too.

Notice his hairstyle.
I'm totally fine with the hairstyle on the first line, but the second line is totally unacceptable!
He's the first one who found out that 高美男 is a girl.
He wanted to spread it out at first but after begging by 高美男, he was touch-ed by the reasons and promised to give her some time.

He's so handsome! Lol. But that's not the reason that made me like him.
He discovered 高美男 is actually a girl from the beginning but he pretended that he knew nothing and continue to observe.
Slowly, he fell in love with 高美男, he tried to hint and confess to her, but whenever he's going to confess, something happened and he missed the chance.
Though he realised that 高美男 loves 黄泰庆, he still continue to help, protect and care about her. Loving isn't it?

He's a very cute guy! When he found out that he likes 高美男, he din't realise that she's a girl, and he actually thought that he became a gay! LMAO. 
He knew the truth when 高美男 decided to leave their group, A.N.JELL. 
The scene that he realised 高美男 loves 黄泰庆, and ran away to his secret place, which is the public bus, was so sad. 
I can't forget the moment when he was crying while asking her why the one she loves isn't him. 
However, he decided to leave the sadness and pain on the bus, after going down from the bus, he immediately turned back to the cheerful guy.
That seems to be so hard to hide the love, the pain and sadness.

She took the place and pretended as her brother to sign the contract of being a member of A.N.JELL.
She fell in love with 黄泰庆 and faced a lot of problems before being together with him.

黄泰庆 ; 高美男

The piggy rabbit (猪兔子) made by 黄泰庆 and the necklace bought by him for 高美男.
I like the necklace! So nice right?

姜新禹 ; 高美男

默默无语 by 朴信惠

依旧 by 李弘基

Finally I completed this post. It used up two-day-time! 

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